
The practice offers a wide range of services which you can read about below

Our Clinics and Services

Care Home Team

The Care Home Coordinator role is vital in coordinating the information between care homes and practices and dealing with any care or medication queries.

Cervical Smears

Routine cervical smears are performed by our practice nurses.

Women are invited for cervical screening every three years between the ages of 25 and 49, and every five years between the ages of 50 and 64. Some women are invited more often due to results from a previous cervical screening test.

NHS - Cervical Smears

Child Health Clinics

Child Health Clinics for developmental checks are held by Dr Peter Bench at Trenchwood surgery on Wednesday afternoons - please phone the surgery to make an appointment.

Our local Health Visitors support families with a new baby or child under the age of 5 years old. Their website has useful links to other services and advice for families with young children.

Childrens’ and young people’s mental health practitioner (CYPMHP)

From time to time, children and young people need additional support for their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

About the CYPMHP Service

From time to time, children and young people need additional support with their emotional wellbeing and mental health, so we’re very lucky to be able to support these young people.

Getting the right support early can prevent problems getting bigger, so that the young person can enjoy school,home, time with family & friends, and other activities.

Our Children and Young Persons Mental Health Nurse has been specially trained to:

  • Provide support to children and young people who may be experiencing low to moderate issues with their mental health, this may be low mood, self-harm, anxiety, school refusal, behavioural difficulties or sleep difficulties for example.
  • Provide assessment for young people who might require further exploration to understand their needs and signpost them to the correct support, and, if suitable, they can offer a shorter course of one to one sessions.
  • We offer workshops in the evening for parents of young people with anxiety or other wellbeing issues giving them guidance on what services are available and explaining how they can support their child. We also offer evening workshops for the young people who are referred into this service.

Childrens’ Social Prescribing Team (CHWNS)

The Children’s Health and Wellbeing Navigation service aims to improve support at Primary Care level for children and young people.

The Children’s Health and Wellbeing Navigation Service

The Children’s Health and Wellbeing Navigation service aim to:

  • Improve support at Primary Care level for children and young people with mental health, neurodevelopmental and other health conditions, and their families.
  • Support families to identify what matters most to them, create holistic action plans, and connect to peer support, groups, services, and apps to build resilience.
  • Collate and provide information and signposting ensuring access to support from statutory services, community resources and inclusive activities.
  • Ensure children, young people and their families know what to do and who to contact if in crisis.
  • Engage with children and their families to build an active profile of their clinical and social journey.
  • Maintain liaison and build working relationship with key contacts, building rapport with schools and SENCOs/ school nurses/ health visitors/NELFT/Community Paediatrics/Early Help etc.
  • Become an Information centre for the patient, their family to ensure personalised care.

First Contact Physio

The role of First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) in Primary Care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and to decide on the most appropriate management pathway.

FCPs are physiotherapists with expertise in the assessment and management of Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.

They may also be known as Advanced Practice Physiotherapists (APP) or MSK Practitioners.

The service provides a First Contact Orthopaedic Assessment. It is not a course of physiotherapy.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Acutely unwell
  • Children under 16
  • Medical management of rheumatoid conditions
  • Women’s health, antenatal and postnatal problems
  • Housebound Patients
  • Medication Reviews for non MSK conditions
  • Neurological and respiratory conditions
  • Headaches
  • Acute Mental health crises
  • Patients who do not wish to see an FCP

Inclusion Criteria:

  • All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains orsports injuries
  • Arthritis – any joint
  • Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bone, e.g. tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
  • Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain
  • Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms, e.g., pins and needles or numbness
  • Post-orthopaedic surgery (can differ between localities)

Frailty Visiting Team

The paramedics work together on the Frailty team. They currently offer urgent home visits for all the practices as part of the Tonbridge Frailty Pilot.

  • Team: Rebecca, Fran and Claire

The paramedics work together on the Frailty team. They currently offer urgent home visits for all the practices as part of the Tonbridge Frailty Pilot in which Tonbridge PCN is integrating with other community groups such as the Home Treatment Service and the District and Complex Care nursing teams, working more closely with these groups in order to improve our service to the frail patients within the whole Tonbridge area.

For patients over 65, housebound and requesting an urgent on the day visit.

Health Checks

Are you between 40 and 74?

If you have not already been diagnosed with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease or stroke, and are aged between 40 and 74, you will receive a invitation for a NHS Health Check, the appointment will not be at this surgery but at another local venue.

The results of the Health Check are given to you and forwarded to your GP. This will give you and your GP a clearer picture of your health, and help you to take action to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease.

IUD and Implant Clinics

Nurse Amanda sees patients on Monday mornings, Thursday mornings and Wednesday afternoons for advice and contraceptive fitting.

Midwifery Clinics

Antenatal (Midwifery Services)

NHS midwives hold clinics at both Hildenborough and Trenchwood. If you are newly pregnant you will need to complete the Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells Trust online Self-Referral form.

You do not need to speak to our Care Navigator team with regards to an initial appointment. The Midwifery team will allocate you an appointment once you have complete the online Self-Referral form.

Further information about M&TW Trust Maternity Services

Minor Surgery

Drs Ken Castro, Nicki Perry, James Rumbles and Tamsin Apps hold sessions at the Trenchwood Medical Centre Monday afternoons from 2.20pm to 4.20pm.

The operations performed include joint injections and the removal of skin lesions.

Social Prescribing

You can self-refer by asking the care navigators to book you in or you can be referred by your GP.

Social Prescribers are link workers supporting vulnerable and socially isolated people to gain confidence and help them interact with services which will help to improve their wellbeing and if necessary, help by linking them to financial debt/ housing services etc. to help improve overall health. It enables referral to a range of non-clinical local services.

Specialist Clinics

We run several specialist clinics, such as anticoagulant monitoring, asthma, COPD, coronary heart disease, Dementia, diabetes and wound

Please check with our Care Navigators for clinic times.